Monday 24 October 2011

African ladies - combination of malay, chinese, indian, japanese & native american

Combination of all the cultures in Malaysia with different races 

Puzzle concept - different culture design 

Batik concept with thailand, african, japanese, indian & chinese design

Different cultures help each other

Different cultures celebrate all the festivals in Malaysia

Different culture around the world unite 

A kolam concept with different culture design and with different races uniting 

A mat concept - the combination of native american, african snail design, malay, Chinese, indian & japanese

Each umbrella represents different culture and each person represent different race. Different races help protecting different culture. 

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Main three sketches

Different races uniting together despite the differences

All the different countries coming together at the top of the mountain

Football - unites different cultures, races and people in one sport 


Hands with different colour represents different culture uniting by touching the globe.

The angry bird theme whereby both the birds and pigs are together no matter their colors and differences.

Different color represents different races around the world.

The yachts represents different country coming together for a mutual cause e.g like the sailing competition. 

The combining of different colors brings together people from different races and cultures.

The testris game - different culture & races may coexist but by understanding and uniting may build a solid society. 

The combination of different race's patterns in a kolam ( african, indian)

Colors in a hand representing many different races 

Inspired by Pokemon - where the poke-balls have different culture's patterns and design

The whole flower is the combination of different culture's design and flag.

Students of different culture in front the university

Different countries with different cultures coming together.

Inspired by the chess game - many cultures around the world come together

Sunday 9 October 2011

Design & Colour

- Gestalt or "shape"
- typography & imagery
- figure & ground relationship
  * foreground
  * mid ground
  * background

Search for Simplicity
- Principles of visual perception
- each mark made is interpreted
- interplay of tensions between shapes on flat surfaces (every element that is put into a design will create some
  kind off tensions to the audience)

- "something that stands for something"
- Symbol has culturally accepted meaning
- index ~ visual that we learned to associate with meaning

- Groupings ~ white in profile?
                  ~ white & black combine into single figure

- Categories ~ Stable, reversible, ambiguous
- Stable with tension - ambiguous (Japanese puzzle pictures)


- Reversible ~ recognise words (grouped) by white space

- Conditions ~ richly complex 
                   ~ letter forms 

- Letter forms ~ see shapes of letters & space between them
                     ~ typography must be recognized as design

- Design is arrangement of shapes
* shapes are created by enclosed boundary
* describes 2-D work
* volume describes 3-D work
* figure/ground
* see patterns
* repeating similar shapes in different objects

- simplified existing shapes
- emphasis on design shapes subject

- letter forms
- geometric shapes 

Digital focus
- vector & raster graphics
Vector graphics

Raster image

Dynamics of colours
- colour is vital to designer & fine artist

Designing with colour
-Isaac Newton 

Colour wheel
- pigment based
- R,G,B
-subtractive primaries
- pigment "absorbs" or "subtracts" white light to reflect back blue

Properties of colour
- Hue = colours
- Value = degree of lightness or darkness
   * tint - lighter than normal value
   * shade - darker than normal value
- Intensity = saturation

- complementary hues with varying intensities

Colour schemes
- complements = grouped opposite on colour wheel
- split complementary = combining a colour with 2 colours on either side of its colour complement
                                     (opposite each other)
- analogous = colour combination are those that combine colour adjacent to each other on colour wheel 
                      (next to each other)
- triads = yield harmonious results
           = draw a triangle on the colour wheel

Colour theory
- no real absolutes
- range of intense drama to soothing harmony
- strong value of contrast

Colour perception influence
- simultaneous contrast ~ colour affected by what surrounds it
                                   ~ gray against white will have different value than placed against black colour

Power to evoke
- red, yellow ~ warm, stimulate
- blue, green ~ cool, calm
* If play with different value of each colour it will change the aim (power)

Psychology of colour
- Associations (cultural)
* red - dramatic, aggression, sexuality, national colour
* blue - authority, clean, honest, sooth, positive
* yellow - food packaging, warmth, good wealth, optimism 
* green - environment, naturalness, used by non-cola beverage companies & menthol cigarettes for "healthy"  

5 psychological factors to consider
- cultural associations
- profile of audience
- characters of organization represented
- designer's personal relationship with colour
- awareness of colour trends

Making sense of image
- depends on artist & viewer
- abstract dots appear as people 
- painting "read" by viewer 

Colour gamut (understanding electronic colour)
- eye see more colour than the computer or print capabilites

Colour in printing
- Cutting costs
* half-tones
* duo-tones & tri-tones use spot colours for black & white photography
* digital proofs
*coloured papers

In changing technology design the principles stay the same!! 
* good design sense
* colour theory knowledge
* basic foundation of computer graphics 

Friday 7 October 2011

Max Beckmann

Other art work done by Max Beckmann

Most of Max Beckmann's artwork consist of :-
- thick and dark lines high-lighting the figure making it more realistic
- the usage of black is seen in most of his paintings bringing out the moody side of his art
  and certainly the use of various hues making the art more lively.
His art works shows originality and nothing comparing to other artists.

"The greatest mystery of all is reality"