Wednesday 19 October 2011


Hands with different colour represents different culture uniting by touching the globe.

The angry bird theme whereby both the birds and pigs are together no matter their colors and differences.

Different color represents different races around the world.

The yachts represents different country coming together for a mutual cause e.g like the sailing competition. 

The combining of different colors brings together people from different races and cultures.

The testris game - different culture & races may coexist but by understanding and uniting may build a solid society. 

The combination of different race's patterns in a kolam ( african, indian)

Colors in a hand representing many different races 

Inspired by Pokemon - where the poke-balls have different culture's patterns and design

The whole flower is the combination of different culture's design and flag.

Students of different culture in front the university

Different countries with different cultures coming together.

Inspired by the chess game - many cultures around the world come together

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