Monday 21 November 2011

Final designs

Design 1  

- First I opened a new canvas with the sixe of 16 x 20 with resolution of 300dpi.
-Then I used the magic wand to crop (ctrl + x) of the extra edge.
- Then I used the brush tool to do up the colour pencil colourings used for the sketch
- I chose a background from the Internet for my image background
 I fit it into a 16 x 20 size
- I then filter the image with palette knife option
-  I used the crop tool to crop my image n fit it into the background image
- I used the move tool and moved my image onto the background and adjusted the size of the  
  sketch as according to canvas size. (Edit > Transform > Scale)

Design 2 

First I fit my image into scale of 16 x 20
- I then used the crop tool to crop out the excess area 
- Then I used the magic wand and highlight the area I was going to colour
- Using the brush tool I colored the area that was in coloured using pencil colour
 Then I open a new 16 x 20 canvas and used the gradient tool 
- I chose a gradient for my background
 I then filter the image using paint daubs
-  I enlarged the image to make it fit into the canvas 

Design 3

1. First I open a new canvas with 16 x 20 and 300 resolution
2. Then I open another one for the other image
3. This design is the combination of two sketches
4. I used the magic wand and selected the globe area and deleted (ctrl +x) it of the centre
5. Then I used the magic wand again and selected the white background of the first image and removed it (ctrl +x )
6. Then I moved the second image onto the first image using the move tool.
7. After adjusting its brightness to the level I wanted, I merged it down.
8. Merge the two image with the background with a linear burn effect

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