Saturday 17 September 2011

Art Movement !!

Art movement ~ style or way of doing art with specific common goal that spans over a period of time that is distinctly different from other art movement. 

Key points for this :- 
~ Movement of cultural ideas
~ Changes in visual styles
~ History provides inspiration! 

Birth of Graphic Design 
- 30, 000 years ago ~ cave paintings
- Gutenberg's printing press around 550 years ago 
  * Gutenberg was the first European to use movable type printing, in around 1439 and the   
    global inventor of the printing press.

Industrial revolution
- started in England around 1733 where there was the shift from agriculture to manufacturing. Industrial Revolution expanded more powerful each year as new inventions and manufacturing processes added to the efficiency of machines and increased productivity.

~ Great strides in painting
~ Large scale posters
~ Advertising posters in France

Art Nouveau - explores the new style of visual art and architecture developed in Europe  
                     and South America towards the end of 19th century.  

                  - intensive attempt to create international style based on decoration.  

                  - in a way was a response to Industrial Revolution 

* Charles Rennie Mackintosh ~ was a designer, architect, sculptor & watercolourist from Scotland. The so-called "Glasgow"( largest city in Scotland)  style was exhibited in Europe and influenced the Viennese Art Nouveau movement known as Sezessionstil (The Secession). He was interested in the relationships between man-made and naturally occurring landscapes. He worked as interior and graphic designer and also with textiles, metalwork and furniture. 

* William Morris ~ started revolutionize the art of house decoration and furniture in England in 1860 after founding the firm of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co. His "Daisy" wallpaper, designed in 1862, became famous and was never out of fashion. Morris's love for old books and illuminated manuscripts resulted in the founding of the Kelmscott Press. It produced from 1891 to 1898 53 titles in 66 volumes, among others The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. 

Brer Rabbit Wallpaper 

German - produced artwork for almost 30 years ago
            - long and distinguished tradition in visual art, from the earliest known work of 
               figurative art to its current output of contemporary art. 
            - made advertising posters
In 1905, Friedrich Nietzche - contributed to Expressionism (style in which the intention is  
                                        not to reproduce a subject accurately, but instead to portray it  
                                        in such a way as to express the inner state of the artist.) 
                                       - mostly associated with Germany 
Leading Expressionist - Franz Marc, George Grosz & Amadeo Modigliani

Fundamental changes
- travelling, increased in communication, network and related technology 
- art & design both reflect society and help shape the community
- influenced many movements 
- Cubism ~ fore fathers of design..! 
              ~ emphasized flat surface
              ~ its the most radical, influential and innovative practice of the 20th century 
              ~ joint invention of Pablo Picasso & Georges Braque 

ArtLex on Cubism 

Fauvism - led by Henri Matisse 
             - favoured wildly expressive colours.
                 - the movement did not last a long period, only about 4 years 
             - The style was essentially expressionist, and generally featured landscapes in 
                which forms were distorted.

Plakatstil (poster style) - the term for flat colour and shapes
                                  - exist after Berlin became the centre of commerce
                                  - the stand out artist/ posterist in Berlin at the birth of this  
                                    movement was Lucian Bernhard.

modern thought, character, or practice.
- describes specifically on modernist movement 
- revolt against the conservative values of realism.
rejected the lingering certainty of Enlightenment thinking and also rejected the existence 
  of a compassionate, all-powerful Creator God.

Dada ~ literary and artistic movement born in Europe at the time of horror during World  
           War 1.
        ~ has questioned meaning 
        ~ photo montage created with intentional disorder
        ~ Dada art is whimsical, colourful, wittily sarcastic, and at times downright silly. 
        ~ Abstraction & Expressionism were the main influences on DADA, followed by Cubism 
           and lesser extent of Futurism. 

By Marcel Duchamp  

- artistic and architectural philosophy originated in Russia in the beginning of 1919
- Soviet Union youth movement 
which was a rejection of the idea of autonomous art in favour of art as a practice  for social 
- influenced major trends such as Bauhaus & the De Stijl movement.
- El Marcovich Lissitzky was a designer, typographer, artist, photographer, 
  architect, and teacher. He had a great influence on the design work from the Bauhaus and  
  De Stijl movements, and on modern commercial art and design.
- he developed the rules of typography and grid system 

De Stijl - Began in Holland in the year 1917 
            - Known as " The Style" in Dutch which is also known as Neoplasticism 
            the term De Stijl is used to refer to a body of work from 1917 to 1931
            -  flourished in Europe during the 1920s 

The De Stijl Movement 

BauhausBauhaus movement is a school of art, architecture and design characterized by 
               geometric design, respect for practical material, and its severely economic 
founded by Walter Gropius in 1919 in Germany and ended in the 1930’s
~ focus on graphic design, furniture and architecture
~ bridge gap between gap & applied arts
~ clean functional forms 
 Bauhaus creators have influenced architecture, furniture, typography, and weaving
~ Josef Albers - colour research
~ Annie Alber  - fiber artist

Art Deco - figurative movement
              - 1925 in Paris 
              - figurative images with decorative appeal 
              - Adolphe Mouron Cassandre was an influential Ukrainian-French painter, 
               commercial poster artist, and typeface designer.
              - his artwork were influenced by cubism as well as surrealism 

Surrealism ~ cultural movement & artistic style that was founded in 1924 by Andre Breton 
                 ~ Uses visual imagery from subconscious mind to create art without the  
                    intention of logical comprehensibility 
                 ~ Influenced advertising & illustration 
                 ~ famous artist - Salvador Dali

New generations
~  Paul Rand - LoGO DESIGN
    *combined drawings & form 
~ Cipe Pineles 
~ Harper's Bazaar - American fashion magazine, first published in 1867
                         - Ruth Ansel ~ made a dramatic debut as a designer in 1962
                                           ~ was the youngest art direction in Harper's Bazaar

Post modernism 
~ philosophical movement away from the viewpoint of modernism
~ applied to architecture
understood in art and architecture as the project of rejecting tradition in favour of going 
   "where no man has gone before" or better, to create forms for no other purpose than novelty.
Modernism's valorization of the new was rejected by architectural postmodernism in the 
  50's and 60's for conservative reasons. 

Form and substance
~ women impact in design 
Not only are women making strides, but serious challengers are emerging from Asia, 
   Africa and Latin America. 
~ Barbara Kruger - created advertising that was anti-advertising 
                         - Much of her work consists of black-and-white photographs overlaid with 
                           declarative captions (white on red) 
                         - imagery and text containing criticism of sexism and the circulation of 
                           power within cultures is a recurring motif in Kruger's work.

Digital Focus 
- post modern medium
- technology always influences graphic design
- in 1953, computer graphics was originally developed for US Defence Department 
- its interactive, non-linear flow.  complex web sites & virtual reality

~ Photography -> Film -> Videos -> Computer -> Internet 
~ Virtual reality extends to all the senses
~ Exciting & challenging developments
~ Internet used to market products & disseminate information.

A picture is worth a thousand words. ~ Napoleon Bonaparte 

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