Monday 19 September 2011

Expressionism - Max Beckmann

Max Beckmann 

1884 -1950

- A German Expressionist born on February 12, 1884 in Leipzig 

- Painter,draftsman, printmaker, sculptor, and writer. 

- Even though he was an expressionist, he rejected both the term and movement as he did 
   not like to be labeled according to them. 

- In the 1920s, he was associated with the New Objectivity, an outgrowth of Expressionism  
   that opposed its introverted emotionalism.

-  Expressionist artists mostly sought to express meaning  or emotional experience rather 
    than physical reality.

- Beckmann probably painted more self-portraits than any other artist and struggled on how 
   to define himself. 

- His art were sober, beautiful and expressive oil paintings, strong in contour and colour.

- He painted subjects  from the entertainment world, many portraits of family and friends, 
   and countless allegorical compositions with characters symbolic of ancient myths.

Still life with three skulls (1945). 
Oil on canvas

This painting contains many elements of ‘vanitas’ and ‘memento mori’ paintings which were  
   fashionable throughout northern Europe in the 17th & 18th centuries. 

- Vanitas ~ mostly symbols of skulls, rotting food or fading flowers as a reminder of the 
   certainty of death. 

- Memento mori 
    ~ Latin phrase for " Remember your Mortality" 
    ~ Its a reminder about our death and the judgement that will follow once we are 

- This was painted during the final months of World War 1. 

- Combination of modern style of flattened space, schematic forms & intense colour with 
   traditional still life - objects skulls 

- These paintings aimed to show us that life, with its pleasures of the company of friends,
  card games and drinking, also holds reminders of our own mortality and unavoidable death. 

- In this still-life by Beckmann, the skulls and extinguished candle are clearly intended to be
   read as symbols of the shortness of life.

- The colour black used captures grim mood and mostly the value used is dark. Colour black 
   usually is associated with "darkness"

-  It appears that the direction of light is from the right side and he uses contrast of light and 
   darkness in this painting.

- This painting is an abstract  that uses symbols as guidance to understand its true meaning. 

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