Wednesday 28 September 2011

Design Process 

- to understand graphic design problem solving model
- learn how to (why) contrast & bid are prepared
- understand importance of research in graphic design (why it is relevant) (justify it)
- learn the purpose of thumbnail sketches & how to make them
- various ways of creating & presenting your preliminary design
- see how presentation & client feedback affects project's outcomes
- learn what happens after the design is completed
- understand the final evaluation

Graphic Design Problem Solving Model 

* Define > develop > conduct research > ideation (thumbnail) > preliminary comps > 
   presentation & critique > refinement (analyse sketch)

~ Research design histories to see what similar ideas have come about before
~ Research the "future" to see what might be


- look for MANY different answers NOT THE PROBLEM..! 
- work quickly , don't spend long time on one sketch
- use whatever is at hand to explore all possible options

Unified Communication

~ Intellectual  
* Idea generated & word dominant

~ Visual
* Placement of design elements perceptible to the eye

- De Stijl 
- Kinesthetic projection ~ Sensory experience stimulated by bodily movement & tension

Visual Dynamics
* project emotional
* top to bottom/ vertical & horizontal/ left to right

top to bottom
~ for balance
~ repeated shapes left to right

~ evoke sense of movement

Balance through contrast
~ unexpected size contrast  

Black and White 

Blind Love

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