Sunday 11 September 2011

The class on 8th of September was more to the introduction to what is graphic design and what are the challenges to be a good designer. 

~Graphic design is the "art and profession of visual communication that combines images, words and ideas to convey information to audience" (Miller, 2011). Graphic design is a strategic art ~ meaning that the art is planned to serve a specific purpose.

A designer is responsible to use different types of media elements and arrange to create a visual. 

In today's world, graphic designs which are available are such as on 2-D surfaces, web packages, package design, multimedia 3-D and to the most advance is 4-D applications. 

Principles and practices to be applied to designers perceptions..
~ Always applying principles of theory perception(a person's own visual understanding and awareness) to practice visual communication, solving problems, finding several solutions to one issue rather than one particular solution and making intuitive personal approach with their own formal study to visual approach. 

Graphic designs always contribute back to the society and designers always find ways to give back to society such as to ergonomic, architectural, fashion, interior, furniture, product, even the medical industry.

Visual communication is a VITAL role for designer. 

Process to go about graphic designing:
1) Identify the style, understand the objective of the piece and the client's interest.
2) Do research on the piece and collect as much visual information and materials.
3) ~ For students, Thumbnails (initial sketches/ideas)  are more important than the final product as it is the blueprint of an individual's work. Thumbnails should always be kept in a file for future projects. 
    ~ Sketches are done to refine the thumbnails usually using colour pencils or pastels. 
    ~ The last step is to present it to the client for approval once the project is done into a  
       finished size. 

For presentation, it is very important to always take down suggestions to improve graphic presentation and accepting class critiques to build skills.

Applied design fields:-
~ Industrial design - 3-D functional objects
~ environmental design - buildings, landscapes, etc
~ graphic design - text & images
~ web design & multimedia - interactive, motion-based graphics. 

Graphic design has evolved a lot since 15,000 B.C where the first known visual communication (Pictographs & symbols in Lascaux caves) was found in South of France and now we have advance visual communication to create amazing  arts.

Design is everything that is around us and everything that is happening. 

Graphic design is design.

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